
Thursday, May 9, 2013

No slackin' here

I have been MIA, but with good reason. See? I just spent part of last week and this week drafting, digitizing, revising and just about every other "-ing" you could possibly think of when creating a pattern. It's a lot of work... no joke!
Can you see what pattern it is?
Allow me to refresh your memory...
Yes, the Harem-Sareoul-MC Hammer pants or as I like to refer as, the "You Call It" Pants. You can see more of the pants HERE and HERE. There will three variations of this pant with pattern sizes from 18mos-4T and is recommended for woven fabrics. The pattern part is done and the instructions are next. Did I tell you it's a lot of work?
So bare with me... it'll be worth the wait!


  1. Oooo do it girl! It is a ton of work - good luck! They look freakin' adorable.

  2. do you need pattern testers? I would jump on that!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Sanae! I think K would look sooo cute in a pair.

  4. Oh man how did I miss you were patterning these! So stinkin cute. Love the little drawstring pocket version.

  5. I will definitely buy it! Can't wait!

  6. Awesome!! I am about to embark on the same thing!! We will have to promote each others patterns! I am just about finished the hand drawing so have quite a bit of work ahead! The pants are gorgeous. Call out if you need a tester! :)

    1. Thanks Suz! I've put a lot into this tutorial (a little more than I originally planned), but that's okay. My anal-perfectionist side comes out when I do things of this nature. Ditto for me! I'd LOVE to be a tester!!!
